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Textbook Latest Edition English Version: Change Management
Judul Buku : Textbook Latest Edition English Version: Change Management Penulis : Dr. Santi Riana Dewi, S.T.,M.M. Penerbit : CV. Pradina Pustaka Grup Jumlah Halaman : 103 Halaman Ukuran Buku : UNESCO (15,5 x 23 cm) Untuk Pemesanan Buku silakan Hubungi Kontak kami di WA : 081915176800 This Change Management Textbook is intended for academics, […]
Judul Buku : Textbook Latest Edition English Version: Change Management
Penulis : Dr. Santi Riana Dewi, S.T.,M.M.
Penerbit : CV. Pradina Pustaka Grup
- Jumlah Halaman : 103 Halaman
- Ukuran Buku : UNESCO (15,5 x 23 cm)
- Untuk Pemesanan Buku silakan Hubungi Kontak kami di WA : 081915176800
This Change Management Textbook is intended for academics, practitioners, and readers in general. This textbook consists of 11 chapters, namely Change Management; Organizational Development; Types of Organizational Change; Learning Organization; Changing Standards of Excellence; Organizational Change Adept; Career Planning and Development Interventions; Organizational Transformation; Organizational Development Agenda & Direction; and Change Implementation, as well as research articles from the author as additional material.
This textbook is prepared based on explanations of concepts from experts, along with implementation in organizations or companies, apart from that there are additional research results carried out by the author, regarding matters related to cases in companies.
Change Management can support the realization of new organizational cultural changes if the planned changes receive overall support from members of the organization. So that the vision and mission of the organization can be achieved with a strong new culture and real support for the implementation of the organizational change strategy. Leaders who have a strong personalities, good behavior, can be role models, and have a sense of power will be able to face and make changes.
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